You've probably all guessed what this is already.'s about the slender man. I'm not looking for sympathy or anything, I don't know what to do, I feel alone in all of this. That sign thing, the circle with the x? It's everywhere....that masked guy, he's following me, I can feel it. I haven't know, him, but I don't want to. Help me...
Well, first things first, don't panic. That will do you no good. If you need anything specifically, I can see what I can do. Keep us updated, there are some good people here that can help you. Don't freak out, but pay attention to the little things, that's what's helped me so far, noticing things that led to bigger things. Kept me alive so far.
You're not alone.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Have you had run-ins with proxies or Slendy himself (other than following)? If you haven't, it's a tad early to be worrying.
We can help you, but not directly. Here's my advice- the first thing you need to do is try not to let them get to you. If you freak out and keep looking over your shoulder, he'll just get to you faster. Develop a sense of humour about it if you can. Look up some of the informative blogs and get savvy. Keep calm and carry on.